Life at Hinge Health

What Moves Us


Our leadership principles act as a compass guiding our daily actions

Put Members First

Our primary focus is on the member, then the customer, and lastly the business. The order matters.

Create Trust

Leaders check their ego at the door and collaborate to help their entire team be successful. They’re honest, transparent, and honor commitments.

Communicate Effectively

Leaders communicate in ways that conveys both clarity of thought and rigor, while being concise - be that via prose or visual aids.

Are Learn-it-Alls

Leaders aren't know-it-alls. They prioritize truth over being right, welcome contrary opinions, and continue to challenge themselves to get better every day.

Innovate & Take Risks

Leaders take smart bets and de-risk unknowns quickly and efficiently. They know that we have to lose some bets to make big leaps towards the future we envision. They think big and are willing to challenge the status quo.

Think Long-Term

Leaders understand that great, big trees start from small seeds nurtured over many years. Leaders don’t sacrifice long-term value for short-term results.

Make Results Happen

Leaders measure themselves by results and impact, not actions or good intentions. Leaders say no to a lot of important opportunities, to put maximum resources behind the few initiatives that will really move the needle.

Lead at All Levels

Leaders excel at high-level strategy and value the intuition that comes from spending time in the details. Leaders effectively allocate their time between the two, and can tell when something needs closer attention, especially when metrics and anecdotes don’t align.

Act Like Owners

Leaders show strong judgment in allocating resources (people, money, time) in a way that’s best for the company - not just their own team. Leaders have high standards because their name is on the door.

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